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 Professional Photographers Insurance

Starting at $400 per year


Perfect Coverage for:


Wedding Photographers

Portrait Photographers

Commercial Photographers

Real estate Photographers

Drone Photographers

Wedding Videographers

Landscape Photographers

Fine Arts Photographers

Workshop Photographers

Real Estate Videographers, and more


Business Liability Protection helps protect you if someone is injured as you conduct your business and sues you for damages.


Professional Liability helps protect you when an error or omission occurs. 


Failure to deliver photographic products liability can be covered when you become liable for damages when your digital media fails.


Your Building is covered under your insurance policy and includes additions under construction and materials, equipment and supplies, plus temporary structures at the premises.


Business Personal Property such as camera's, lenses, lighting, props, back drops, computers, etc. are typically covered. .


Business Income protection covers your loss of income and extra expenses when you cannot operate your business because of a covered loss.


Medical Expenses can help pay for reasonable and necessary medical expenses if someone is injured in an accident.


Inland Marine Commercial Articles can help with camera equipment in the field anywhere in the world. Actual Cash value and/or replacement cost value options are available depending on the carrier.


Money & Securities provides coverage for money and securities used in your business, either at your premises or outside your premises.


Damage to a Premises Rented To You provides coverage to the premises you rent or occupy when it becomes damaged.


Key Person and Buy-Sell Life insurance provides the liquidity business owners need in the unfortunate event of death of a key person or partner.


Workers Compensation Coverage protects you and your employees when injury occurs on the job.


Hired Auto Coverage protects you when you rent a vehicle in the name of your business

Outdoor Signs covers outdoor signed owned by your business at the described premises.


Data Compromise & Identity Theft Restoration if your identity or your clients’ information gets stolen, this coverage can help with legal work and phone calls.


Employee Dishonesty helps cover damages resulting from dishonest acts committed by your employees.


Cyber Protection Insurance helps protect against damage to electronic data and computer systems from a virus or other computer attack. More On Cyber Protection


Flood Coverage provides coverage when water, mud flow, originates outside your premises.


Earthquake Insurance provides coverage for earth movement, earth settling, etc.


Umbrella Policy if someone sues you over an accident, and the settlement exceeds the liability limits on your business auto and/or business owners insurance, this coverage can help protect your assets.


Employment Practices Liability pays if you are sued by an employee or contractor for sexual harassment, discrimination, wrongful termination, retaliation, Deprivation of Career opportunity.


Equipment Breakdown Coverage protects business's equipment when it is damaged or breaks down in an accident, this coverage may help with the cost of replacement or repair.


Non-owned Auto Coverage protects your business in the event that an employee in in an automobile accident while on a business errand or appointment.



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