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Cyber Breach - Current News
New Youtube video series - Insurance Coverage Exclusion Revealed These videos are just a couple minutes each but very...
Camera Gear Coverage Exclusions Revealed New Youtube video series exposing the camera gear coverage exclusions. Start with this video....

Water damage can be excluded is some situations under BOP. Solution - add Inland Marine
Camera gear coverage from water can be excluded in some situation under Business Personal Property on a Business Owners Policy. That's...
“I met Howard an a local IPPA meeting several years ago and he immediately saved me 50% on my insurance premiums by switching to his...
Customer Coverage Story - "Yes. You're Covered"
"I have a photographer's policy and recently had a significant claim. First it's important to note that when I first came to Howard, his...
Corona Virus and Loss of Business Income I am getting a lot of questions surrounding...
Data Recovery Coverage In Action....
One of my clients just wrote me this note (this is exactly how data coverage works for you): "I just wanted to share my scary story with...
WPPI 2020 Promo Code
I will be attending Wedding & Portrait Photographers Internationals (WPPI) in Las Vegas on February 24-27, 2020. Here is a 15% discount...
House Passes CASE Act
The Copyright Alternative in Small-claims Enforcement Act passed the House of Representatives in October 2019. Vote was 410 For, 6...
ClickCon August 5-7 2019
Please come and visit our booth at ClickCon photography conference in Chicago. Howard Burkholz, a Professional Photographers Insurance...
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