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Wedding Photographers

Wedding photographers, like so many other type of photographers, should carry general liability. This coverage protects the professional photographer from injury or property damage to a 3rd party. This coverage is often required by clients and/or venues prior to a shoot. Evidence of the coverage (and other coverages) is proved by certificate. This certificate can be issued one of two ways. 1) Certificate Holder 2) Additional Insured. Additional insured means naming an entity as a certificate holder and making your policy primary and noncontributory. It does not additionally insurance the certificate holder. It just clarifies who’s Insurance is primary and who’s in secondary. And, that the certificate holders insurance is not going to cover you for your lability.

Professional photographers are also concerned about equipment coverage. Coverages can bear offer on a replacement cost basis or an actual cash value basis. Replacement cost coverage is preferred because there is not element of depreciation. This coverage can be extended to equipment in your “care, custody, and control” which includes rented camera equipment. A certificate for this coverage can also be sent to your equipment rental company to prove that you have this coverage.

Professional photographers, including wedding photographers, are also concerned about a coverage called failure to deliver photographic products. What if you shoot a wedding and then the card fails before you can deliver your product? The coverage can be provided by either an endorsement called Photography Endorsement or Professional Liability. Photography Endorsement is a form of professional liability. This coverage is very important. Most of the time, courts rule that the photographer will be required to pay all expenses required to restage a shoot. Very expensive, right? You can by coverage to protect this risk exposure.

For these coverages and many others customized and designed specifically for professional photographers. You may Request A Quote on this site HERE

If you wish to learn more about these and other coverages please view this video

This information is advisory in nature and not an indication of your coverage. Please read your policy for coverage description, exclusions, and limitation. Call Howard Burkholz 801-451-8880 or email for more information.

Carriers represented - NEXT, CNA, Hartford, Travelers, Liberty Mutual (Safeco), Utica First, Progressive, National General, Main Street America Group, United States Liability Insurance, Hiscox, Lloyd's of London, and more. Licensed in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennesse, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.

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Howard Burkholz

T: 385-367-6770

2024 Copyright Burkholz Insurance Group

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